Thursday 21 April 2011

TypePro Final: Newspaper spread

For my final project for typography I decided to base my newspaper article on my dog, kenny.

I started off by taking photos of him in the garden while he played with a welly. I liked the photo above because it looks like he's posing and its a good side profile of him.

I took this photo just as he turned around to look at me and it looks like he's laughing so I thought I could include it somewhere in my newspaper article.

I opened the first photo in Photoshop and created a clipping path around it to take the background out of it and make kenny a more predominant figure in the photo.

I then placed it in InDesign in my newspaper template, which I had divided the page into columns, and added the heading. The story I chose was that kenny won the dog show, Crufts.

I then added text boxes the width of the columns created in the template and filled them with placeholder text, so the story doesn't make sense after the first paragraph.

This is my final newspaper article. I added a sub-heading to tie in with the photo in the inset where he looks like he's laughing and added text to describe the two images.

The image below shows my first attempt at my newspaper spread. I did a sports spread based on myself with two pictures of me playing football and made an advertisement for the bottom corner.
I don't think it worked out very well because the final outcome looked more like a local newspaper rather than a tabloid or magazine spread. 

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